Photo Gallery
- On June 13, 2008, Bill was presented with a sterling silver medal “for gallant service” by the Civil War Round Table of Chicago. After his slide show presentation and book discussion, Bill chatted with Roger Rudich, outgoing president of the Civil War Round Table of Chicago. This Photo and Right Photo © Roger E. Bohn.
- Bill at the remains of the Carthage Amphitheatre in Tunisia, as he researches his third book on the life and times of Saint Perpetua. © Marion Buckley.
- Bill with his wife Marion Buckley at Le Centre de l’Imaginaire Arthurien near Paimpont, Brittany, France (July, 2008), doing research for his 2010 book on the medieval French poet Chrétien de Troyes.
- Bill chats with attendees of his slideshow presentation at the 2009 Thanksgiving luncheon sponsored by the Mayflower Society at the Union League Club of Chicago. Photo by Mary Morony.
- The ancient Greek Theater in Syracuse, Sicily, which witnessed origins of modern drama, and leading to the crime novels of Mediterranean noir fiction
- Bill presents at the Oak Park Public Library for Saint James the great in History, Art, and Culture
- Bill (standing far right) poses with other participating authors while holding the cover of his recent release, Eliot Asinof and the Truth of the Game. The event “Read Local” was sponsored by Redbery Books in Cable, Wisconsin, on October 2, 2011. Photo courtesy of Redbery Books.
- During his Memphis event at the Davis-Kidd Bookstore, Bill gets a surprise visit from Gen. U.S. Grant (University of Memphis Professor Phillip T. Kolbe who portrays the Civil War general when he teaches corporations “Executive Leadership Lessons from General Ulysses S. Grant”). © Aaron Tatum
- Bill presents at the Newberry Library for his book, The German Cabaret Legacy in American Popular Music
- Bill and pet Cleo, who inspired his book Man Writes Dog