
Read more about William Farina on Wikipedia.

McFarland and Company, Inc.

Concordia University-Portland Shakespeare Authorship Research Centre

The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

Ulysses S. Grant by Dr. Phillip T. Kolbe

Early Christian Writings by Peter Kirby

International Arthurian Society

Of the many respectful obituaries for Eliot Asinof in 2008, the most insightful was written for The Nation by Asinof’s literary executor Jeff Kisseloff. 

Note: To get a real-life feel for amateur baseball in America, one can do no better than to read the newer (2011) edition of “Coaching with Pride” by Ken Schreiber, legendary retired head baseball coach in LaPorte, Indiana. Coach Schreiber’s credentials to write a memoir on this important topic will silence even the harshest critics (to give one small example, he was named National High School Coach of the Century in 1998 by Collegiate Baseball). I am proud to have been in my youth one of his many students both on and off the playing field. Inquires can be made to: Ken Schreiber, 102 Royal Lane, LaPorte, IN 46350 (or email: